Day 3 Beginner: Pastry Crust - Charlie Brisch

All the groups' quiches and fruit tarts

Pastry Crust Makes Many Different Things  

By Charlie Brisch

 Today on Art of Cooking, the beginner group worked on making pastry crust for quiches and for fruit tarts (I also made lemonade). The similarities between quiches and fruit tarts are astounding, especially since they share the same pastry crust. Each has its own filling, the one for a fruit tart being a lot sweeter than the quiche. Quiche filling is more customizable, with different veggies and cheese. I personally wanted to make ours spicy and use jalapeños, but one of my group mates disagreed and suggested potatoes which we then settled on (I fixed the spiciness problem with hot sauce).
Khadijah separating egg whites and egg yolks

We used havarti cheese on our quiche, and other groups used different cheeses. While our quiches were cooking, we worked on designing our fruit tarts. We looked up different pictures for inspiration on the fruit tarts, and each group had a wonderful design and variety of fruits. While my group mates were working on the fruit tart, I made lemonade for the class (it wasn’t part of the lesson, but Chef Jessica said it was ok to make it). The lemonade had blueberries, blackberries, kiwis, and
Camila fitting her pastry crust to her dish

strawberries. Sadly, the lemonade wasn’t able to sit for 2 hours so it didn’t absorb all the flavors from the fruit. Towards the end of the day, we had to start rushing due to the quiches not completely cooking. As I said earlier about the lemonade, it was the same with the quiches and not being able to cool, which I may or may not have burned my mouth a little when eating. All in all, today was a lot of fun and there was a lot of teamwork,
passing around ingredients, and making sure everyone got a bite to eat and some lemonade to drink.

Niko burning off the calories from today

Evan eagerly waiting for lunch while Kenzie
takes a power nap to his right


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